Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tracking the Trackers

A lot of talk about companies tracking your web browsing these days.  Ever wonder who is doing the tracking?

I've been using a plugin called Ghostery for the last several weeks.  It's available for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and unless you're using some obscure web browser, there's a Ghostery Plug In that you can use.  It's also freeware.

When you go to a website Ghostery pops up a small purple window on the upper right of your browser that instantly lists all the tracking software running on that page.  That list will disappear after a few seconds.

Clicking on the Blue Ghost icon will display a drop down menu that will allow you to learn more about the tracker software or even let you block it by moving a simple slider or unchecking a box (depending on the browser).  Simple no?

If you're the curious sort, Ghostery also provides you with a more info link on each tracker it finds.  Clicking the link takes you to the Ghostery Knowledge Page.  There you get a quick description from the company that built the tracker and a link to their website. 

If you're also running a script blocker, like I do.  Ghostery is perfect for letting you know if any scripts are getting through...after all, if you're blocking all scripts than no tracker software should be detected by Ghostery.  Ghostery also helps me figure out what scripts are needed for a site to operate properly (as opposed to the tracking software that Ghostery detects).

So if you just want to know who's doing the tracking and/or want to keep those companies from tracking you, take a look at Ghostery

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